TO: All Job Applicants for Full-Time Work Only
RE: Employment Application Guidelines
This Hiring Policy has been adopted by FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION as of May 14, 1997.
To assure that all applicants receive comparable consideration and to ensure that all applications are available for consideration in a timely fashion, the following rules concerning applications for employment have been placed into effect and become part of FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION
’s company policy.
is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring on any basis prohibited by law. We hire qualified persons without regard to race, creed, national origin, age, sex, disability, union affiliation or any other legally protected status.
All applications must be filled out by the applicant, in person, on an original, sequentially numbered form provided by FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION.
No application will be allowed to leave FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION
’s main office.
No application form may be duplicated.
All applications must be filled out in the main office of FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION.
In order to be considered, all applications must be filled out in their entirety and proof of current applicable licensing must be submitted.*
No applicant will be hired without a personal interview. Interviews will normally be scheduled during business hours at the convenience of FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION. Applicants with the most apparent qualifications will usually be interviewed first.
Hiring decisions will be made by the President of FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION, in consultation with the Project Managers and other relevant personnel.
Applications shall be valid only for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days.
After such time, a new application must be filled out.
All potential applicants should be notified at the time an application is requested, that a pre-hire drug screening may be required as a condition of employment.
When applicants are hired by FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION, they are employed for an indefinite duration. Hiring will create an “at will” relationship between the applicant and FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION. This means that each employee is free to resign for any reason and no reason, at any time. Likewise, FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION
is free to terminate any employee, without cause, at any time.
has established an effective hiring priority for its use in selecting applicants to fill job openings. The hiring priority is (in descending order of preference):
Past employees with proven safety, attendance and work records
Applicants recommended by current supervisors who have actual direct knowledge of applicant’s work abilities.
Unknown and all other applicants.
I have read and do understand the above Hiring Policy for FOSTER ELECTRIC CORPORATION.